Matching Donations of up to $50,000!
Blair Dwyer and his wife, Mary Ellen Ross, are excited to announce that they will match up to $50,000 in donations made by individuals before Christmas 2018 to ACT – Autism Community Training.
ACT is a registered charity based in British Columbia that has an international impact. Through its worldwide on-line Autism Information Database (AID), its live seminars held throughout British Columbia, many of which are available for web streaming throughout the world, and the many free resources on its website, ACT provides scientifically-tested and evidence-based strategies that can be used by individuals on the autism spectrum and the parents and professionals who support them. The Autism Information Database, which is overseen by an international advisory panel of experts, is very valuable, given that the internet is home to so many dubious claims and quacks who are only too ready to exploit the vulnerability of families. Parents and professionals need access to information that they can rely on, and ACT provides that. To donate, click here
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